Monday, August 29, 2011

Isabel and Irene

We were lucky. 
Hurricane Irene stayed off the coast 200 miles from us. We were spared the destructive effects of her and were left with some magnificent waves.

I brought Isabel with me this past week 
while I was scouting a location for
 an engagement photography session 
at the beach.

It was about an hour before sunset 
and the light was glorious.

As I looked up, I was amazed (yet again) 
at the beautiful little girl Isabel has become.

She lost two teeth the week before last 
and just finished her first week of kindergarten.

My baby is gone forever. 
And while, there is a deep sadness over that, 
its impact is softened by the joy of seeing 
this amazing child.
My child.
My love.


The Jiu Jiu said...

Your baby is not gone; she will live forever in your memory, and in the memories of those involved in her life... Your beautiful little girl will also someday be replaced by a young woman but she, too, will continue to exist alongside that baby. As privileged as we all are to see these beloved babies become toddlers... little children... eventually, in a process that takes a lifetime and yet passes in a flash, become adults themselves -- all we need to do to see their former incarnations is close our eyes and watch them with our hearts.

Sue said...

Absolutely beautiful photography and absolutely beautiful subject. I look forward to the day I can see Isabel again in person.

Unknown said...

Oh, your baby is not gone! She just looks a little different. She is absolutely stunning - so so beautiful.